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Education as Mahatma Gandhi described it, “is the tool for the development of consciousness and reconstitution of society”. Since Independence, India has stressed reforming and restructuring the educational system as part of stae intervention.
The National Policy of Education(NPE), 1986 which is hailed as a landmark in the Indian educational system, provided a comprehensive framework to guide the development of education in the country.
The NPE and its programme of Action was again updated in 1992 through similiar consensual process involving all the State governments, resource organisations and educationists. What has been worrying the critics and educationists alike in the non fulfilment of one of the NPE objectives: NPE that the Educational ‘For All‚ meet should have a strong gender focus as Education for All by definition is gender inclusive.
1. In the passage the author makes a plea for
  • A. free education
  • B. universal education
  • C. the education of women
  • D. the education of men
Ans: C.
the education of women
2. According to the passage, a strong gender focus means
  • A. a focus on male female ratio
  • B. a focus on strong gender
  • C. a focus on the strength of gender
  • D. a strong focus on gender bias
Ans: D.
a strong focus on gender bias
3. According to Mahatma Gandhi, education is
  • A. a medium through which people are taught to become sensitive to the realities around them.
  • B. a tool to develop their conscience and constitution
  • C. a tool to develop their understanding of the constitution of society
  • D. an instrument to develop their society consciously
Ans: D.
an instrument to develop their society consciously
4. The National Policy on Education provided
  • A. guidelines for the comprehension of education in the country.
  • B. guidance material to develop education in the country.
  • C. comprehensive development of education in the country.
  • D. a comprehensive plan for the development of education in the country.
Ans: D.
a comprehensive plan for the development of education in the country.
5. According to the passage, critics and educational are worried that
  • A. the education of girls is one of the objectives of NPE.
  • B. one of the objectives of NPE has not been fulfilled.
  • C. the objectives of NPE have not been fulfilled.
  • D. non fulfillment of NPE leads to the education of girls.
Ans: B.
one of the objectives of NPE has not been fulfilled.