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Choosing the Correct and Incorrect Sentence

27. Below are given different forms of a sentence labelled as (a), (b), (c) and (d). Choose the one which conveys the meaning of the sentence correctly.
  • A. It is a pleasure to see an alligator basking as long as 90 feet in the sunshine on a river bank.
  • B. It is a pleasure to see an alligator basking in the sunshine as long as 90 feet on a river bank.
  • C. It is a pleasure to see an alligator basking in the sunshine on a river bank as long as 90 feet.
  • D. It is a pleasure to see an alligator as long as 90 feet basking in the sunshine of a river bank.
Ans: D.
It is a pleasure to see an alligator as long as 90 feet basking in the sunshine of a river bank.
28. Below are given different forms of a sentence labelled as (a), (b), (c) and (d). Choose the one which conveys the meaning of the sentence correctly.
  • A. The teaching staff would have taken lectures regularly had they known that the Principal would know about it.
  • B. The teaching staff take their lectures regularly when are asked by the Principal.
  • C. Many irregularities were found in their lectures by the Pricipal and he could not be disregarded them.
  • D. The teaching staff had taken the lectures regularly had they known that the Principal would come to know about it.
Ans: A.
The teaching staff would have taken lectures regularly had they known that the Principal would know about it.