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Choosing the Correct and Incorrect Sentence

11. Below are given different forms of a sentence labelled as (a), (b), (c) and (d). Choose the one which conveys the meaning of the sentence correctly.
  • A. People can be motivated by getting them involved in the tasks that need to be done by the managers.
  • B. The managers can motivate people by getting them involved in the tasks that need to be done.
  • C. Since managers can motivate people in the tasks that need to be done by getting them involved.
  • D. The managers not only do the tasks that need to be done by getting them involved but also can motivate people.
Ans: B.
The managers can motivate people by getting them involved in the tasks that need to be done.
12. Below are given different forms of a sentence labelled as (a), (b), (c) and (d). Choose the one which conveys the meaning of the sentence correctly.
  • A. Our school had won the match if only we have concentrated.
  • B. Our school would have won the match if only we had concentrated.
  • C. Our school would have won the match if only we would have concentrated.
  • D. Our school would win the match only if we had concentrated.
Ans: B.
Our school would have won the match if only we had concentrated.