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Double Synonyms

37. I. He failed to produce any reason, for his having behaved the way he did.
II. Man must live, struggle and die for a mission.
  • A. Goal
  • B. Target
  • C. Purpose
  • D. Cause
Ans: D.
38. I. I found it difficult to find the man for I was notacquainted to the place.
II. The two articles had something common between them.
  • A. Familiar
  • B. Known
  • C. Same
  • D. Similar
Ans: A.
39. I. The story is so dramatic that one cannot guess the ultimate result.
II. I could not understand the purpose of his visit.
  • A. End
  • B. Motive
  • C. Lot
  • D. Consequence
Ans: A.