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Double Synonyms

19. I. Mani managed to hold the ball even though he had to run a long distances.
II. Shanu said that the plan was not as simple as I was making it out and there was some trap in it.
  • A. Catch
  • B. Grap
  • C. Take
  • D. Bring
Ans: A.
20. I. The place of joining of three rivers–Ganga, Yamanu & Saraswati is considered a sacred place.
II. Marriage provides a happy bond between souls.
  • A. Linkage
  • B. Conjunction
  • C. Connection
  • D. Union
Ans: D.
21. I. Huge crowds flung into the hall as soon as the doors were opened.
II. As the dam broke, the water of the river flowed into the village and destroyed all crops.
  • A. Destroyed
  • B. Poured
  • C. Gushed
  • D. Rained
Ans: B.