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Passage Correction

Since you have never had to pester ---(1) --- me for anything, perhaps you wouldn't be averse to --- (2) --- sticking to me now that I run under --- (3) --- debt, and realising --- (4) --- these people, that it is by ---- (5)---- no way a reflection on my character.
1. Choose the best word in the given passage?
  • A. assert
  • B. approach
  • C. reproach
  • D. no change
Ans: C.
2. Choose the best word in the given passage?
  • A. indifferent to
  • B. desirous of
  • C. deprived of
  • D. no change
Ans: D.
no change
3. Choose the best word in the given passage?
  • A. run on
  • B. run into
  • C. run in
  • D. no change
Ans: B.
run into
4. Choose the best word in the given passage?
  • A. informing
  • B. alluding
  • C. convincing
  • D. no change
Ans: C.
5. Choose the best word in the given passage?
  • A. for
  • B. to
  • C. in
  • D. no change
Ans: C.