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Computer Objective Mcq Questions and Answers

5. The latest expensive OCR units can read
  • A. Handwriting
  • B. Marks
  • C. Machine printed numbers
  • D. Hand printed numbers
Answer: B.
6. Who is credited with the idea of using punch cards to control patterns in a weaving machine?
  • A. Jackquard
  • B. Babbage
  • C. Pascal
  • D. Hollerith
Answer: A.
7. The attribution of human from or qualities to things such as machines or computers is called
  • A. Anthropomorphism
  • B. Artificial intelligence
  • C. Cybernation
  • D. Cybernetics
Answer: A.
8. A device that transmits messages in verbal form is
  • A. Audio response unit
  • B. Magnetic tape
  • C. Card punch
  • D. Audit trail
Answer: A.
Audio response unit