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Missing Characters Puzzles Questions

1. Insert the missing number?
Clearly, (1st row)x(2nd row)x(3rd row) = 4th row.
In the first column, 6x5x4 = 120.
In the second column, 6x7x3 = 126.
Let the missing number in the third column be x.
Then, 8x5xX = 320.
40X =320
X = 8.
2. Insert the missing number?
Ans: 12.
In the first column, 2x1+1 = 3.
In the second column, 14 x 7 + 7 = 105.
Let the missing number in the third column be x.
Then, x+9+9 = 117 or 9x = 108
3. Insert the missing character?
Ans: K.
The letters in the second and third rows are five steps ahead of those in the first and second rows respectively. So, the missing letter will be five steps ahead of F, which is K.