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Biology Model Questions

13. The milk of the following cow is characterised by high carotene content
  • A. Gir
  • B. Sindhi
  • C. Jersey
  • D. Haryana
Answer: C.
14. Total number of amino acids in plants is
  • A. 1
  • B. 10
  • C. 20
  • D. 50
Answer: C.
15. The most popular and commercial breed in India is
  • A. Chittagong
  • B. White leghorn
  • C. Aseel
  • D. Karaknath
Answer: B.
White leghorn
16. The instrument used to measure blood pressure is called
  • A. Haemocytometer
  • B. Sphygmomanometer
  • C. Stethoscope
  • D. Electrocardiogram
Answer: B.