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46. What is the difference between and .to.string() method?
  Convert function handles nulls while i.string() does not it will throw a null reference exception error.
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47. Can I write a Windows application in C#?
  Yes. C# supports Win32 application development via the .NET Framework. The Framework provides a fairly complete set of Windows GUI development classes in the System.Windows.Forms namespace. Any functions in the Win32 API that don't have a .NET Framework equivalent may be accessed using P/Invoke, which is a way of invoking functions in DLLs from .NET applications.
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48. Mention the two major categories that distinctly classify the variables of C# programs?
  Variables that are defined in a C# program belong to two major categories are :
  • Value type
  • Reference type
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49. What is an enum?
  It is used to define constants.
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50. What is the differences between dataset.clone and dataset.copy?
  Dataset.clone copies just the structure of dataset (including all the datatables, schemas, relations and constraints.); however it doesn't copy the data.
Dataset.copy copies both the dataset structure and the data.
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