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61. What is character constants?
  A character constant is a single character, enclosed within the pair of single quotation mark (apostrophes).
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62. What is string constants?
  A string constant or literal contains a sequence of zero or more characters or escape seauences enclosed in double Quotation marks.
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63. What is integer constants?
  An integer constant is an integer-valued number. It can represent decimal, octal, or hexadecimal values.
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64. What is floating point constants?
    Floating-point constants are numbers with decimal parts. A floating-point constants consists of :
  • An integral part
  • A decimal point
  • A fractional part
  • An exponent part
  • An optional suffix
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65. What is the difference between fread and fwrite function?
  The fread() function returns the number of items read. This value may be less than count if the end of the file is reached or an error occurs. The fwrite() function returns the number of items written. This value will equal count unless an error occurs.
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