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41. What is the difference between single charater constant and string constant?
  • A single character constant consists of only one character and it is enclosed within a pair of single quotes.
  • A string constant consists of one or more characters and it is enclosed within a pair of double quotes.
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42. What is signed and unsigned?
  A numeric value, may have a positive or a negative sign. In the memory, for a variable, one bit is used exclusively to maintain the sign of the data. If we don't have sign, the sign bit also may be used for data. If the value is negative, the sign bit is 1, and if it is positive, it will be 0.
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43. What is zero based addressing?
  The array subscripts always start at zero. The compiler makes use of subscript values to identify the elements in the array. Since subscripts start at 0, it is said that array uses zero-based addressing.
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44. What are the different categories of functions in C?
    In C, the functions can be divided into the following categories :
  • Functions with no arguments and no return values
  • Functions having arguments but no return values
  • Functions having arguments and return values also
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45. What is this pointer?
  It is a pointer that points to the current object. This can be used to access the members of the current object with the help of the arrow operator.
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