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I. Partnership : When two or more than two persons run a business jointly, they are called partners and the deal is known as partnership.
II. Ratio of Division of Gains :
(i) When investments of all the partners are for the same time, the gain or loss is distributed among the partners in the ratio of their investments.
Suppose A and B invest Rs. x and Rs. y respectively for a year in a business, then at the end of the year :
(A’s share of profit) : (B’s share of profit) = x : y.
(ii) When investments are for different time periods, then equivalent capitals are calculated for a unit of time by taking (capital * number of units of time). Now, gain or loss is divided in the ratio of these capitals.
Suppose A invests Rs. x for p months and B invests Rs. y for q months, then (A’s share of profit) : (B’s share of profit) = xp : yq.
III. Working and Sleeping Partners : A partner who manages the business is known as working partner and the one who simply invests the money is a sleeping partner.


1. A, B and C start a business each investing Rs. 20,000. After 5 months A withdrew Rs. 5000, B withdrew Rs. 4000 and C invests Rs. 6000 more. At the end of the year, a total profit of Rs. 69,900 was recorded. Find the share of each.
  Sol. Ratio of the capitals of A, B and C
= 20000 * 5 + 15000 * 7 : 20000 * 5 + 16000 * 7 : 20000 * 5 + 26000 * 7
205000 : 212000 : 282000 = 205 : 212 : 282.
∴ A’s share = Rs. [69900 * 205/699] = Rs. 20500;
B’s share = Rs. [69900 * 212/699] = Rs. 21200;
C’s share = Rs. [69900 * 282/699] = Rs. 28200.
2. Four milkman rented a pasture. A grazed 24 cows for 3 months; B 10 cows for 5 months; C 35 cows for 4 months and D 21 cows for 3 months. If A’s share of rent is Rs. 720, find the total rent of the field.
  Sol. Ratio of shares of A, B, C, D = (24 * 3) : (10 * 5) : (35 * 4) : (21 * 3)
= 72 : 50 : 140 : 63.
Let total rent be Rs. x Then, A’s share = Rs. 72x / 325
∴ 72x / 325 = 720 ⇔ x = 720 * 325 / 72 = 3250.
3. A, B and C started a business by investing Rs. 1,20,000, Rs. 1,35,000 and Rs 1,50,000 respectively. Find the share of each, out of an annual profit of Rs. 56,700.
  Sol. Ratio of shares of A, B and C = Ratio of their investments
= 120000 : 135000 : 150000 = 8 : 9 : 10.
∴ A’s share = Rs. [56700 * 8/27] = Rs. 16800.
B’s share = Rs. [56700 * 9/27] = Rs. 18900.
C’s share = Rs. [56700 * 10/27] = Rs. 21000.


1. Albert started a business investing Rs. 45,000. After 3 months, peter joined him with a capital of Rs. 60,000. After another 6 months, Ronald joined them with a capital of Rs. 90,000. At the end of the year, they made a profit of Rs. 16,500. Find the share of each.
  • A. 3300
  • B. 4400
  • C. 5500
  • D. 6600
Ans: A.
Clearly, Albert invested his capital for 12 months, Peter for 9 months and Ronald for 3 months.
So, ratio of their capitals = (45000 * 12) : (60000 * 9) : (90000 * 3)
= 540000 : 540000 : 270000 = 2:2:1.
∴ Alfred’s share = Rs. [16500 * 2/5] = Rs. 6600;
Peter’s share = Rs. [16500 * 2/5] = Rs. 6600;
Ronald’s share = Rs. [16500 * 1/5] = Rs. 3300.
2. A and B are partners in a business. A contributes 1/4 of the capital for 15 months and B received 2/3 of the profit. For how long B’s money was used?
  • A. 4 months
  • B. 6 months
  • C. 8 months
  • D. 10 months
Ans: D.
Let the total profit be Rs. z. Then,
B’ share = Rs. 2z/3, A’s share = Rs. [z - 2z/3] = Rs. z/3
∴ A : B = z/3 : 2z/3 = 1 : 2.
Let the total capital be Rs. x and suppose B’s money was used for x months. Then,
[1/4 x * 15] / [3/4 x * y] = 1/2 ⇔ y = [15 * 2 / 3] = 10.
Thus, B’s money was used for 10 months.
3. A and B started a business with initial investments in the ratio 14 : 15 and their annual profits were in the ratio 7 : 6. If A invested the money for 10 months, for how many months did B invest his money?
  • A. 2
  • B. 4
  • C. 6
  • D. 8
Ans: D.
Suppose A invested Rs. 14x for 10 months and B invested Rs. 15x for y months. Then,
14x * 10 / 15x * y = 7/6 ⇒ y = 840 / 105 = 8
Hence, B invested the money for 8 months.
4. A starts business with Rs.3500 and after 5 months, B joins with A as his partner. After a year, the profit is divided in the ratio 2 : 3. What is B’s contribution in the capital?
  • A. 6000
  • B. 9000
  • C. 9500
  • D. 12000
Ans: B.
Let B’s capital be Rs. x. Then, 3500 * 12 / 7x = 2/3 ⇔ 14x = 126000 ⇔ x = 9000.
5. A began a business with Rs. 85,000. He was joined afterwards by B with Rs. 42,500. For how much period does B join, if the profits at the end of the year are divided in the ratio of 3 : 1?
  • A. 8 months
  • B. 6 months
  • C. 4 months
  • D. 2 months
Ans: A.
Suppose B joined for x months. Then, 85000 * 12 / 42500 * x = 3/1 or
x = 85000 * 12 / 42500 * 3 = 8.
So, B joined for 8 months.