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Hard Puzzles Questions and Answers

19. How many minutes is it before 12 noon if 20 minutes ago it was three times as many minutes after 9 am?
Sol : 40 minutes, or 11.20 am;
20. One cube is missing from the bottom layer of this stack of cubes. How many total individual cubes are in the entire stack of cubes?
There are 11 cubes on the bottom layer. There are 2 cubes on the second layer and 1 on the top layer, for a total of 14 cubes.
21. Three coins are tossed in the air at the same time. What are the chances that at least two of the coins will finish tails up?
Ans : It is a 50/50 chance. As it is a certainty that at least two coins will end the same side up, it is just as likely that these two coins will be tails as it is they will be heads.