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Technical Interview Questions and Answers Puzzles

7. What is the factorial of 5?
  • A. 1
  • B. 60
  • C. 120
  • D. 180
Ans: C.
120 (5 X 4 X 3 X 2 X 1).
8. The average of three numbers is 29. The average of two of these numbers is 38. What is the third number?
Ans: 11.
3 numbers 29 x 3 = 87 total
2 numbers 38 x 2 = 76 total
The third number must therefore be 87 - 76 = 11.
9. Can you determine the missing number in the box? The same rule of logic applies to all three boxes.
The missing number is 24. The rule is to double the first number in each rectangle and place that number in the next box below it.