41. |
What are concrete classes? |
Concrete classes can be instantiated (in other words, objects can be created from concrete classes). These classes have no abstract methods. Concrete classes are a logical complement of abstract classes. |
42. |
What is the use of scope resolution operator? |
A variable declared in an inner block cannot be accessed outside the block.
To resolve this problem the scope resolution operator is used. It can be used to uncover a hidden variable. This operator allows access to the global version of the variable. |
43. |
What are adaptor class? |
Adaptor classes modify the existing interface of an existing class and provide a new interface. In other words, an adapter class adapts a class for a specific purpose. |
44. |
What are monomorphic and polymorphic classes? |
Classes that do not have any virtual functions (runtime polymorphism) are known as monomorphic classes. The classes that have virtual functions (or virtual base classes) and are designed for making use of runtime polymorphism are known as polymorphic classes. |
45. |
What is namespace? |
The C++ language provides a single global namespace.Namespaces allow to group entities like classes, objects and functions under a name. |