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46. What is difference between drill through and drill down?
  The drill through operation allows one to move from data at the bottom level in a cube to data in the operational systems from which the cube was derived.
The drill down operation performs the operation opposite to the roll-up operation, i.e., it moves from a more general level to a detailed level in a hierarchy, thus presenting more detailed measures.
  Posted by Ajay. (May 28, 2013)

In case of drill through we can go and see the data from parent report as well as child reportand. Drill down is the detail level of hirerchy.

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47. What is the difference between a cascading report and drillthrough report?
  Cascading prompt means to extract the data from one prompt to using values from another prompt.
Drill through report means to extract the data by selecting a column in a report, means to get the detailed information by clicking that column data.
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48. What are the types of studio?
    There are five types of studio are :
  • Query Studio
  • Metrics Studio
  • Analysis Studio
  • Report Studio
  • Event Studio
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49. What are cognos connection initial page components?
    The page can be broken down into three major sections :
  • The Studio Toolbar
  • The Utilities Toolbar
  • The Tab Navigator
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50. What is the difference between macros and prompt?
  Macro is set of instructions to run report.
Prompt provide a way to dynamically change the reports.
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