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36. What is the diffrence between OLTP and OLAP?
    The main differences between OLTP and OLAP are:
  • OLTP systems are for doing clerical/operational processing of data whereas OLAP systems are for carrying out analytical processing of the data.
  • OLTP systems look at data in one dimension; whereas in OLAP systems, data can be viewed in different dimensions and hence interesting business intelligence can be extracted from the data.
  • Operational personnel of an organization use the OLTP systems whereas management uses OLAP systems, though operational personnel may also use portions of OLAP system.
  • OLTP systems contain the current data as well as the details of the transactions. OLAP systems contain historical data, and also data in summarized form.
  • OLTP database size is smaller as compared to OLAP systems. If the OLTP database occupies Gigabytes (GB) of storage space, OLAP database occupies Terabytes (TB) of storage space.
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37. What is DTM?
  DTM transform data received from reader buffer and its moves transformation to transformation on row by row basis and it uses transformation caches when necessary.
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38. What is meant by spatial data warehouse?
  A data warehouse that manipulates spatial data, thus allowing spatial analysis. This is to be contrasted with conventional and temporal data warehouses.
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39. What is a Batch?
  Batches provide a way to group sessions for either serial or parallel execution by the Informatica Server.
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40. What are the types of batch?
    There are two types of batches are :
  • Sequential batch : Runs sessions one after the other.
  • Concurrent batch : Runs sessions at the same time.
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