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26. What is the difference between Shadowing and Overriding?
  • Overriding redefines only the implementation while shadowing redefines the whole element.
  • In overriding derived classes can refer the parent class element by using "ME" keyword, but in shadowing you can access it by "MYBASE".
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27. How a base class method is hidden?
  Hiding a base class method by declaring a method in derived class with keyword new. This will override the base class method and old method will be suppressed.
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28. Define ADT?
  An ADT is a set of data and a set of operations on that data. ADTs enable us to define new language types by hiding internal data and state behind a well-defined interface. This interface presents the ADT as a single atomic unit.
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29. What is an interface class?
  It is an abstract class with public abstract methods all of which must be implemented in the inherited classes.
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30. What is static constructor?
  A static constructor is used to initialize a class. It is called automatically to initialize the class before the first instance is created or any static members are referenced.
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