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Computer Quiz Questions and Answers

57. A personal computer is a
  • A. Mainframe computer
  • B. Supercomputer
  • C. Mini computer
  • D. Micro computer
Answer: D.
Micro computer
58. The smallest unit of information, a computer can understand and process is known as
  • A. Digit
  • B. Byte
  • C. Bit
  • D. Megabyte
Answer: C.
59. Which of the following device used 'set of beads' to represent the unit of data?
  • A. ENIAC
  • B. EDVAC
  • C. Abacus
  • D. MARK-l
Answer: C.
60. The person contributing the idea of stored program was
  • A. Charles babbage
  • B. Dennis ritchie
  • C. Howard aiken
  • D. John neumann
Answer: D.
John neumann