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History General Awareness Questions and Answers

37. Gandhiji resumed the civil Disobedience movement in
  • A. 1930
  • B. 1931
  • C. 1932
  • D. 1933
Answer: A.
38. Which was the British capital of India shifted from Kolkata to Delhi?
  • A. 1900
  • B. 1909
  • C. 1911
  • D. 1947
Answer: C.
39. The East India Company was established in the year
  • A. 1500 A.D.
  • B. 1600 A.D.
  • C. 1664 A.D.
  • D. 1744 A.D.
Answer: B.
1600 A.D.
40. The capital of later western Chalukya was
  • A. Vengi
  • B. Kalyani
  • C. Trichy
  • D. Uraiyur
Answer: B.