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Computer Software Questions and Answers

37. Which of the following is an example of computer software?
  • A. Payroll package
  • B. Laser printer
  • C. Joystick
  • D. All of these
Answer: A.
Payroll package
38. Word processing is a(n) _____
  • A. System software
  • B. Programmable software
  • C. Application software
  • D. All of theses
Answer: C.
Application software
39. A step by step procedure used to solve a problem is called
  • A. Application program
  • B. Operating system
  • C. Algorithm
  • D. All of these
Answer: C.
40. What is used to support, enhance, expand and secure existing programs and data in the computer system?
  • A. System utility
  • B. Web browser
  • C. Operating system
  • D. Java
Answer: A.
System utility