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Computer Software Questions and Answers

17. The primary purpose of software is to turn data into _____
  • A. programs
  • B. charts
  • C. objects
  • D. information
Answer: D.
18. Which of the following Windows utility feature will erase unwanted files?
  • A. Scanning
  • B. Disk clean up
  • C. Backup or restore wizard
  • D. Disk defragmenter
Answer: B.
Disk clean up
19. _____ is a set of computer programs used on a computer to perform the task.
  • A. A processor
  • B. Software
  • C. Memory
  • D. An instruction
Answer: B.
20. What kind of software would you most likely use to keep track of a billing account?
  • A. DBMS
  • B. Word processing
  • C. electronic publishing
  • D. spreadsheet
Answer: D.