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76. What are the ways by which you can distribute the Universe?
  There are two ways to distribute a universe: through the repository or through the file system .
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77. What are enterprise and workgroup modes?
  Enterprise mode means that you are working in an environment with a repository. Workgroup mode means that you are working without a repository. The mode in which you save your universe determines whether other designers are able to access them. By default, a universe is saved in the mode in which you are already working. For example, if you launched a session in enterprise mode, any universe you save is automatically in that mode.
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78. What is a macro?
  A macro is a series of commands and functions that are stored in a Visual Basic for Applications module and can be run whenever you need to perform the task. If you perform a task repeatedly, you can automate the task with a macro. You create macros using the Visual Basic Editor.
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79. Is a default lov assigned to a Measure object?
  No default list of values is assigned to measure objects.
  Posted by Vimal. (Oct 15, 2013)

Yes, a defualt Lov is assigned to Measure as in case of Dimension objects.

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80. What is aggregate aware?
  Aggregate awareness is a feature of DESIGNER that makes use of aggregate tables in a database. These are tables that contain precalculated data. The purpose of these tables is to enhance the performance of SQL transactions; they are thus used to speed up the execution of queries.
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