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26. How is a fan trap solved?
    A Fan trap is solved in the following way :
  • Creating an Alias and applying Aggregate Aware function.
  • Using Multiple SQL statements for each Measure.
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27. What is user objects?
  User objects are end–user personal objects that are not shared with other end-users. This is because the user objects are stored locally in a specific user object definition file. If an end-user tries to refresh or edit query that contains another user's user object, the user object is automatically removed from the query and report. A user object is stored inside the Universe folder.
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28. What are the various Business Objects products?
  • User Module
  • Designer
  • Supervisor
  • Auditor
  • Set Analyzer
  • Info View (Web Intelligence)
  • Business Objects Software Development Kit (SDK)
  • Broadcast Agent
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29. What are strategies?
  A strategy is a script that automatically extracts structural information from a database or flat file.
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30. What are the different types of Strategies?
    In Designer we can specify two types of strategies :
  • Built in strategies
  • External strategies
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