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16. What is BCA?
  BCA is a software product for the users of WEBI and BO to process and distribute documents automatically at the scheduled dates and time.
  Posted by Govindarajan. (Dec 19, 2013)

BCA is recommended for older version 5.x.

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17. What are the features in BCA?
  • Automated document scheduling and publishing
  • On the server side, CORBA–enabled features such as load balancing and server optimization using caches
  • Tracing BROADCAST AGENT activity
  • Access and security
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18. What is a chasm trap?
  Many to one joins from two fact tables converge on a single lookup table. This type of join convergence is called a Chasm trap.
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19. What is a fan trap?
  A one to many join links a table which is in turn linked by a one to many join. This type of fanning out of one to many joins is called a Fan trap.
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20. What is a Loop?
  In a relational database, a loop occurs when joins form multiple paths between lookup tables. if a query includes more than one path, the information returned can be incorrect. The rows that are returned are an intersection of the results for each path, so fewer rows are returned than expected.
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