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21. What is universe?
  A universe is a set of classes and objects intended for a specific application or group of users.
  Posted by Rama Chandra Reddy. (Jun 15, 2013)

Universe is semantic layer or meaningfull layer to create reports between back end and target database.

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22. What are the types of OLAP?
  • ROLAP (Relational OLAP)
  • MOLAP (Multidimensional OLAP)
  • HOLAP (Hybrid OLAP)
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23. What are the different schemas supported by BO Designer?
  • Star Schema
  • Snowflake Schema
  • Multistar Schema
  • Normalized production Schema
  • Data warehouse with aggregates
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24. What is the repository?
  The repository is the database in which the information about the users and data is present. It is created and maintained by the general supervisor. It is used to share resources of business objects.
  Posted by Jeeva. (Mar 21, 2014)

BO Repository is a centralized database where all the informations get stored about BO. Whenever there is any actions placed in BO, there will be an entry to the repository databsase. In simple terms its a meta data.

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25. What are the types of repository domains?
    There are three types of repository domains
  • Universe domain : It holds all the exported universes and there may be more than one universe domain in the repository.
  • Document domain : It holds all exported documents, templates, scripts, and lists of values.
  • Security domain : secured connections are stored in this.
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