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Double Synonyms

13. I. The tree was leaning towards the building.
II. I was willing to accept the first offer made by the shopkeeper.
  • A. Inclined
  • B. Forced
  • C. Sloped
  • D. Disposed
Ans: A.
14. I. Marriage is not only a meeting of two individuals in the physical and social sense, but a spiritual union between two souls.
II. They have executed a deed to transfer their property rights in favour of the organisation of which they have been dedicated members for years.
  • A. Treaty
  • B. Bond
  • C. Harmony
  • D. Agreement
Ans: B.
15. I. I cannot endure such a loud noise any more.
II. He preferred to consider the other view.
  • A. Stand
  • B. Support
  • C. Bear
  • D. Position
Ans: A.